Security in Morocco
Can we travel in peace and quiet?
Security in Morocco: Is it possible to travel in peace and quiet?
In these difficult years, when the problems at global level make themselves felt and weigh on tourism, European travellers (sometimes) ask us what situation they will encounter in Morocco.
Given that none of us possesses the crystal ball and on the security issue, not even experts in the sector are able to provide unambiguous information, what we can assure you is that at the moment, Morocco – thanks to the initiatives taken at the will of our King Mohamed VI “- has raised the level of security, as well as most of the European states with which Morocco has been working for a long time.
In March 2015 B. C. I. J. B. was established the Bureau Central d’ Investigations Judiciaires, a special force in the fight against terrorism, to guarantee the safety of Moroccan citizens and the millions of tourists (over 10,000,000) who every year choose Morocco for their holidays.
The presence of security forces is tangible and controls are carried out with great care, especially in places characterized by important assemblies (Aeroports, train and bus stations, tourist sites, etc.).
Having said that, life in Morocco is peaceful and requires no special precautions, neither from the point of view of safety nor from the point of view of the health situation.
There are no endemic or contagious diseases, the recommendations are therefore the basic ones: drink bottled water, do not exceed in the consumption of fruit and raw food.
There are no mandatory vaccinations.
The conditions for a pleasant trip are all there! We are waiting for you.
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